New Adult Members
If you are interested in joining the choir as a full adult member, please download or view the Welcome letter using the links below. This will give you all the information you need. Then get in touch with the membership secretary tel: Wendy Williams 01524 701148 email:
Eversley Choir Choral Scholarships
If you are a young student in full time education, Eversley Choir may be able to offer you a Choral Scholarship. Click on the link below for more details.
This entitles you to:-
Free annual membership of Eversley Choir
Free hire of concert music
A bursary for singing lessons, or equivalent
Participation in our 3 annual concerts (and of course all rehearsals and other events!)
We are keen to encourage and help young singers which is why we have established this scholarship scheme.
Want to know more? Click on the link below and contact our chairperson Maggie Mees via email or telephone: 01539 730444.